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Saturday 21 Al-Muharram 1446 H - July 27, 2024 G

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824 Praying with clothes containing images of creatures that have souls Salât (Prayer) Rulings> Fatwas about Salât (Prayer)
825 The ruling concerning distributing products related to [religious] knowledge and Da‘wa with forbidden money Knowledge and Scholars> Miscellaneous Fatwas
830 The required age for the sacrificial animal Sacrifice> Fatwas about Foods and Drinks
834 Being employed by someone whose most earnings are unlawful Hiring> Fatwas about Monetary Transactions
841 Answering the invitation for the banquet with a complete and permissible invitation Marriage Act> Marriage Etiquettes> Fatwas about Family
845 About the meaning of the hadith: “Any woman who takes off her clothes in a house other than that of one of her mothers…” Fatwas about Hadîth and its Sciences
847 Concerning the Muslim’s attitude towards the institutions funding the projects of corruption Fatwas about Manhaj (the Way)
853 The ruling concerning abandoning fasting due to ignorance Sawm (Fasting) Rulings> Fatwas about Sawm (Fasting)
856 The ruling regarding acquiring nationality by purchase for a right purpose Selling> Fatwas about Monetary Transactions
857 The ruling concerning shortening the beard under administrative instructions from those in authority
862 Concerning the woman’s ‘Awra when being with Muslim women Woman> Fatwas about Family
864 The ruling regarding the garment which has an erased emblem of disbelief Fatwas about Clothes
866 Al-Khul` (the fact that a wife asks separation from her husband) of a woman from a neglectful man of his duties towards Allah Marriage Interruption by Khul`> Marriage Act End> Fatwas about Family
868 Cursing and insulting in hajj and the incumbent rulings upon the author Hajj Breakings> Fatwas about Hajj (Pilgrimage)
869 The ruling concerning the Darbuka and the validity of joining it, by analogy, to Ad-Duf Marriage Act> Marriage Etiquettes> Fatwas about Family