Fatawas | The official website of Sheikh Muhammad Ali FERKUS
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Saturday 21 Al-Muharram 1446 H - July 27, 2024 G

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132 Using henna in wedding ceremonies Marriage Act> Marriage Etiquettes> Fatwas about Family
133 Dancing in the wedding ceremony Marriage Act> Marriage Etiquettes> Fatwas about Family
134 The limits of seeing and speaking with one's fiancée Engagement> Marriage Act> Fatwas about Family
135 The ruling concerning the divorce during the menstruating period Divorce> Marriage Act End> Fatwas about Family
136 Artificial insemination Marriage Act> Marriage Etiquettes> Fatwas about Family
137 Adultery committed by the wife, does it make divorce obligatory? Divorce> Marriage Act End> Fatwas about Family
138 Abortion Common Marital Rights> Marriage Act> Marital Rights> Fatwas about Family
144 The ruling regarding performing prayer behind an imam offering obligatory prayer before its time Congregational Salât (Prayer)> Fatwas about Salât (Prayer)
149 The ruling concerning making shoes having pictures of animals on them Hiring> Fatwas about Monetary Transactions
150 The ruling concerning giving money in order to get a visa for hajj Hajj Rulings> Fatwas about Hajj (Pilgrimage)
151 The limits of enjoyment between the husband and his wife Common Marital Rights> Marriage Act> Marital Rights> Fatwas about Family
153 The ruling concerning birth control (limiting and organizing) Fatwas about Family
157 Refuting the Sufi’s saying establishing fear and hope abandoning Fatwas about Creed> Monotheism and What Contradicts it> Divinity and Worship
159 Accepting the request of divorce for renouncing the child’s custody Marriage Interruption by Khul`> Marriage Act End> Fatwas about Family
161 Concerning the celebration of the new year's day Fatwas about Creed> Alliance and Amity, Disavowal and Enmity