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Saturday 21 Al-Muharram 1446 H - July 27, 2024 G

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778 The ruling concerning the bride’s going out wearing a white Jilbâb (veil) Fatwas about Family
780 The ruling concerning borrowing money in order to perform hajj Hajj Rulings> Fatwas about Hajj (Pilgrimage)
781 The ruling regarding winning a hajj or `Umra trip in some competitions Hajj Rulings> Fatwas about Hajj (Pilgrimage)
782 The ruling regarding a bride going to the hammam and to the hairdresser's, and adornment with henna Marriage Act> Marriage Etiquettes> Fatwas about Family
783 Lawfulness regarding the circumcision banquet Sacrifice> Fatwas about Foods and Drinks
794 The father’s priority to name his child Sacrifice> Fatwas about Foods and Drinks
795 The permission of sacrificing a ewe or a she-goat for Al-`Aqîqa Sacrifice> Fatwas about Foods and Drinks
796 The ruling concerning specifying the third day of the child birth to invite women Aqîqa (the new born sacrifice)> Fatwas about Foods and Drinks
798 Concerning the permissibility of amusement during the circumcision ceremony Aqîqa (the new born sacrifice)> Fatwas about Foods and Drinks
799 The obligation to respond to an invitation for banquet by phone or other forms of substitution which express it Marriage Act> Marriage Etiquettes> Fatwas about Family
805 The ruling regarding invitation cards for the banquet and writing the “Basmala”[1] on them Marriage Act> Marriage Etiquettes> Fatwas about Family
812 The ruling concerning the triple divorce said at the same time Divorce> Marriage Act End> Fatwas about Family
813 Concerning the criterion for knowing the undesired or forbidden names Words Weighed by Sharia> Miscellaneous Fatwas
817 The ruling regarding observing fasting in Allah’s month Al-Muharram Supererogatory Sawm (Fasting)> Fatwas about Sawm (Fasting)
822 Concerning possessing a commercial register Selling> Fatwas about Monetary Transactions