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Saturday 21 Al-Muharram 1446 H - July 27, 2024 G

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586 The ruling concerning serving "Al-Maqrût" (lozenge cakes) in the wedding morning after consummation Marriage Act> Marriage Etiquettes> Fatwas about Family
588 Concerning the beginning of the divorced woman’s ‘Idda (waiting period) Iddah (period of waiting for a widow or divorcee)> Marriage Act End> Fatwas about Family
589 The ruling regarding inviting those who abandon prayer to the wedding party Marriage Act> Marriage Etiquettes> Fatwas about Family
592 The ruling concerning expending wealthily and manifesting joy during the night of `Ashura Foods> Supererogatory Sawm (Fasting)> Fatwas about Sawm (Fasting)> Fatwas about Foods and Drinks
594 The guardian's responsibility in choosing the suitable husband for the woman in his charge Establishing Marriage Act> Marriage Act> Fatwas about Family
596 Concerning preventing [the praying people] from wearing socks in the mosque Mosques> Fatwas about Salât (Prayer)
598 The ruling regarding dying some hairs or some parts of the hair Woman> Fatwas about Family
601 Dressing a Muslim woman's hair Woman> Fatwas about Family
602 Concerning the standard of the cap
603 Concerning the straight woman’s consent in marrying an immigrant who intends to come back to his mother country Establishing Marriage Act> Marriage Act> Fatwas about Family
605 Regarding giving food to a disbeliever in the day of Ramadan Sawm (Fasting) Rulings> Fatwas about Sawm (Fasting)
608 Concerning the conditions of the valid Âdhân Athân (Call to Prayer)> Fatwas about Salât (Prayer)
610 The ruling concerning making Du‘â’ (invocation) in the prayer using a language other than Arabic Salât (Prayer) Description> Fatwas about Salât (Prayer)
633 The ruling regarding the women’s coming out to attend Aïd prayer `Eid (Bairam) Salât (prayer)> Fatwas about Salât (Prayer)
635 The ruling concerning the transfer of Zakât from a country or a region to another Fatwas about Zakât (Obligatory Charity)