Fatawas | The official website of Sheikh Muhammad Ali FERKUS
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Saturday 21 Al-Muharram 1446 H - July 27, 2024 G

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293 Concerning the obligation of fasting and breaking the fast with Jamâ`a (The congregation) Sawm (Fasting) Rulings> Fatwas about Sawm (Fasting)
292 Concerning the ruling of keeping a disbeliever mother company Etiquettes> Miscellaneous Fatwas
290 Holding the wedding banquet in wedding halls Marriage Act> Marriage Etiquettes> Fatwas about Family
284 The ruling regarding masturbation Miscellaneous Fatwas
277 Concerning the validity of using the expression “Jâblî Rabbî” (i.e. “My Lord has revealed to me…”) Knowledge and Scholars> Miscellaneous Fatwas
275 The required condition of traveling to a country of disbelievers Fatwas about Creed> Alliance and Amity, Disavowal and Enmity
270 The ruling concerning the woman who goes out to work in the exigency of need Woman> Fatwas about Family
267 Means preventing temptations Softening The Hearts> Miscellaneous Fatwas
266 The ruling concerning offering one’s condolences to the disbeliever Fatwas about Funerals
260 The ruling regarding the Muslim lost groups Fatwas about Manhaj (the Way)
258 Dealing with a heretical imam Fatwas about Manhaj (the Way)
255 The ruling concerning working in companies dealing with banks of usury Hiring> Fatwas about Monetary Transactions
244 The ruling concerning the menstruating woman’s prayer before sunset Salât (Prayer) Rulings> Fatwas about Salât (Prayer)
242 The ruling concerning the acquisition of children's toys Miscellaneous Fatwas
234 Some advice for those who abide by the religion living in a deviant family environment Fatwas about Manhaj (the Way)